Wide Coverage
We've partnered with top logistics companies like FedEx, DHL, and UPS to offer drop-off locations nationwide.
We've simplified the process, making it easy to ship boxes or store larger items.
Select from our trusted partners, including FedEx, DHL, or UPS for reliable shipping services.
Enter your location on our user-friendly tool to locate the nearest drop-off point.
Follow the drop-off instructions at your location and leave your items with confidence.
We provide a flexible, secure, and cost-effective solution.
We've partnered with top logistics companies like FedEx, DHL, and UPS to offer drop-off locations nationwide.
The price you see is the price you pay. There are no surprise fees at the drop-off locations.
Depending on your plan, you can enjoy up to six months of free storage when using our services.
Our locations are secured and monitored to ensure the safety of your items throughout the storage period.
Drop-off locations offer customer-friendly services for a smooth experience.
Ask for free label pouches, luggage tags, and cable ties. Show your prepaid shipping label to collect these supplies.
With fast processing at each location, you can drop off your items and be on your way in minutes.
Our friendly staff is always available to help answer any questions or provide assistance during your drop-off.
To ensure your experience goes off without a hitch, keep these tips in mind:
Make sure the carrier (FedEx, DHL, or UPS) aligns with your chosen drop-off location for a seamless experience.
Confirm daily cut-off times to ensure your items are processed the same day.
Use sturdy packing materials and securely attach shipping labels to keep items safe and easily identifiable.
Snap photos of your items with labels attached, and retain a copy of all shipping documents.
Always ensure you receive a drop-off receipt as proof of delivery to the storage facility for your records.
If you have unique handling or timing needs, communicate them clearly to the drop-off center staff.
You only pay for what you store. No need to rent large units when you have fewer items to store.
With multiple drop-off locations and global shipping options, it's easy to store and ship items when and where you need.
Our services are designed to be budget-friendly, making storage accessible for everyone.
Your items are stored in safe, monitored locations, giving you peace of mind for as long as they’re with us.
Our drop-off storage service is perfect for a variety of customers.
De-clutter your home by storing seasonal items, furniture, and belongings you don’t use every day.
Manage your inventory or store documents, equipment, and supplies without committing to long-term leases.
Store your belongings during summer break or study abroad programs, without having to pay for an entire storage unit.
Ship your luggage ahead of time and store it securely until you need it, making your travel stress-free.
Store personal items securely during deployments or relocations, with easy access when you return.
Keep event materials, promotional items, and equipment safe and accessible for trade shows.
No, simply find your nearest location and drop off your items when it’s convenient for you.
You can store a wide variety of items, from boxes and luggage to larger goods like furniture and business inventory.
No, you can store your items for as long as you need. We also offer up to six months of free storage for select plans.
No problem! You can retrieve your items at any time, just let us know and we’ll arrange for delivery or pickup.